Women Empowerment

Spread A Smile Foundation provide training on Stitching and Tailoring, Mehndi Designs, Basic Computer Skills and Beauty Care.Through our research, these were identified as the key courses, as they have the highest potential to provide employment options to the beneficiaries based on their location.

Apart from this, individuals have also been motivated to work independently by using these skill sets in order to earn a livelihood. Spread A Smile Foundation seeks to equip financially fragile individuals with the basic vocational training necessary for them to gain meaningful employment.

Women Empowerment is our flagship program that advocates girls rights in India through thoughtful training and education. With financial support from donors we are able to provide education, accommodation, clothing, healthcare, and other needs to the girls in this program. The goal of this program is protect girls rights and to ensure that we support the girls until they are well established in their professional lives and are able to live freely and independently.
